The art of tantric massages marks to year 1977 to the city of Berlin. There a certain type of massage, focused primarily on the stimulation of the erotogenic zones – mouth (lips), phallus, vagina and the anus – was firstly marked as “tantric”. Since then, this art of giving indescribable pleasure to another person has spread across the whole world and now is popular with all the genders, all the casts of people and all the ages.

We, in Bratislava Tantra, provide you with many different tantra massage programs. Each giving you a tiny bit different experience, so that all can truly and purely enjoy what they like, without missing out on this perfectly sensual impression.

sensuality of tantra massage

One of our most popular programs would be the “Classic tantra”. This program is mainly for newbies, but even our regular customers will appreciate it. The Classic tantra can be either 45 minutes for 90 euros or 60 minutes for 120 euros. It is done only by hands of masseuse, not her body. And you cannot touch her – this is only a one-way massage. By the end of the session, you will receive a little gift as a mark of “thank you” from the charming masseuse.


Another one of our populars is the program “Body tantra”. This costs 120 euros at 45 minutes, 140 euros at 60 minutes and 160 euros at 90 minutes. Here we recommend the whole 90 minutes – you will not regret spending the extra 40 euros in comparison with the 45 minutes lasting session. A beautiful masseuse will give you a full body massage – using both her hands and her whole oiled body. This is a very intimate and hot one-way massage. At the end of the massage, you will receive a gift.

And finally, among many others, we offer you to experience the “Secret dark” – a tantra massage type done only in Bratislava Tantra. It is our “signature” massage and it undergoes in complete dark, giving the whole experience a sense of secrecy and mystery. It costs 150 euros at 45 minutes. And more information will be given to you by your masseuse. Click here to find out more about other programs.